Saturday, June 23, 2007

Back in the USA

Our year back in Niger ended last week, we're now back in the USA. And to my surprise, our local library actually has Scammell's biography of Solzhenitsyn and The Oak and the Calf. Funny thing though, the computerized card catalog has no record of The Oak and the Calf. Does this mean I could keep it and not turn it back? (grin).

I remember reading The Oak and the Calf almost twenty years ago, now I'm reading it again. Its good, the story of Solzhenitsyn revisiting the Mavrino sharashka site just at the time he submits Ivan Denisovich for publication is fascinating. But I can understand why relatives of Tvardovsky don't like the book, I myself wonder if AIS really needed to say that Tvardovsky was an alcoholic, it doesn't seem essential to the narrative.

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