Saturday, March 3, 2007

Solzhenitsyn's catch phrases

I find certain phrases from Solzhenitsyn frequently running through my mind. These aren't his famous quotes, that get cited on quotation lists, but little comments that stick in my mind.

Here are some of them:
1) the unnamed Pushkin who comes up with names of concentration camps (First Circle)
2) Beethoven's four chords of fate (Cancer Ward). But somehow I misremembered this as 'Beethoven's twin chords of fate', until I reread it in CW yesterday.
3) one Ehrenburg wide or one Ehrenburg tall. (First Circle).
4) First Cell, First Love (chapter title in Gulag Archipelago)
5) Morning of the execution of the Streltsy (chapter title in First Circle)

1 comment:

stpetric said...


I'm the founder/owner of the Solzhenitsyn list at Yahoo. I've got a proposal for you. E-mail me --